The Branch Markup Upload activity, available from the Configuration Site, allows you to upload a file containing branch markups including minimum and maximum cap values. Cap values can only be set through the file upload process.
For additional information see the Configuring Branch Markup Manager User Guide.
Branch Markup Upload
- From the Configuration site, select the Branch Markup Upload activity.
- Click the Download Current Markup Configuration link to export a file in an example format. If you had previously configured branch markups in the lender site, this file will contain the current markup configuration.
- Enter the appropriate information in the columns for Branch, Product Category, Markup ($) or Markup (%), and Minimum or Maximum values.
The markup configuration file download has the following columns represented:
- Branch: Any branch that has been created via the Branch/Broker Company admin page. Branches that do not have markups associated with them will still be listed in the file, allowing for easier updates. The user uploading the file must have access to all branches represented in the file that is being uploaded. A dash (or minus sign) or an equal (=) symbol cannot be used at the beginning of branch names. If this occurs, a message will display advising that the branch name is invalid.
- Product Category: Any product category marked as “Visible” in the Product Category Customization screen in the Configuration Site. Product Categories that do not have markups associated with them will still be listed in the file, allowing for easier updates.
- Markup ($): Markup value for a dollar amount. Leave empty if not applicable.
- Markup (%): Markup value for a percentage amount. Leave empty if not applicable.
- Minimum Cap: This sets the minimum dollar amount cap for a given branch and product category markup.
- Maximum Cap: This sets the maximum dollar amount cap for a given branch and product category markup.
The file you upload must contain these columns but can be added in any order and the file can also contain other columns with data not needed by Optimal Blue. When a file is successfully uploaded, the system will remove any previously configured branch margins. Minimum and maximum cap values can only be added through the file upload process, they cannot be entered directly on the Markup Configuration screen.
- After you enter the details into the file and save, click the Choose File button on the Branch Markup Upload page. Browse to locate the file you had saved previously and click the Upload button.
- Upon a successful upload, you will see a successful message display and a reminder to release updates to production.
Product Categories must be set to “Visible” in the Product Category Customization screen to be available for the Branch Markup Upload.
Note: Making changes to the Branch Markup Manager via file upload will not take effect until a release to production has occurred. Also, when the file is uploaded, but not yet released, the uploaded values will display in the Branch Markup Manager screen in the Lender Site.
For information about selective releases to production, see the Selective Release to Production User Guide.
A report labeled Branch Markup History Report is available in the Configuration Reports activity and will display all branch markup changes, the user that made the change and the date/timestamp. This change history report will update in real time and will display the change history for the last six months beginning with any changes that take place after the 2019.06 (April 27, 2019) release.