Encompass Error: Unexpected server error: The remote host has lost all information about us. It is recommended to resubscribe to all remote host’s events. The action requested was not completed successfully. Please complete…

Full Error:

Error: Unexpected server error: The remote host has lost all information about us. It is recommended to resubscribe to all remote host’s events. The action requested was not completed successfully. Please complete the process again. If the issue persists, contact your internal administrator for assistance.

Occurs when Secondary is attempting to hit Lock with Investor or Save to LOS (example below is from a specific customer)

Things to Check:

1. Does customer have auto-accept turned on?

2. If no to #1, please open a TR.

3. If yes to #1, did the Lock Request or Accept occur in Encompass?

4. If no to #3, please see “Cause” below and proceed to “Send to Customer”


LO lock request did not get accepted by Encompass therefore, the lock request and auto-accept of the loan does not exist in Encompass. The LO did not receive the pop-up screen displaying imported fields when they requested the lock. The screen most likely froze on the LO.

This is not an SDK error. It is noticed more as Secondary is working from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue. In non-SDK customers are launching out from Encompass from the Secondary Lock Tool on the Lock Requested lock which would not exist if the lock request was not pushed to Encompass

Delete above and send to Customer:

This error occurs when Optimal Blue did not receive the retrieve call from Encompass when the LO requested the lock therefore the lock request and auto-accept action in Encompass did not occur. A Secondary user can send the lock request to Encompass which will push the lock request or set the loan status back to Registered in Optimal Blue which will allow the LO to request a new lock on this loan.