How to Expire and Suspend Pricing

In Optimal Blue, you can suspend or expire pricing on products. Originators cannot lock loans on products that are expired or suspended. The difference between suspended products and expired products is whether Optimal Blue reactivates pricing when the investor updates pricing:

  • Expire Pricing – Pricing automatically reactivates the next time Optimal Blue downloads pricing from the investor.

  • Suspend Pricing – Pricing does not automatically reactivate the next time Optimal Blue downloads pricing from the investor. To reactivate pricing, you must either expire pricing before the next download or manually activate. 

Pricing Status User Guide

This video explains how to expire pricing manually:


Expire Pricing

Optimal Blue allows you to put products in an expired status. Products in an expired status display in the search results as “Expired”. Generally, originators cannot request locks on products that are expired.  Pricing becomes active again once the investor re-prices the products. Complete the following steps to expire pricing:

  1. Select an investor from the investor list on the Entity Selection tab in the Configuration site.

  2. Click the Pricing Status/Imports option in the Activity Selection menu.

  3. Click the CLICK HERE to View/Change Availability Settings link, or the Go to Availability Controls button.

  1. Do one of the following:

  • To expire all products for this investor, select the Expire Pricing button.
  • To expire all investor products within the hierarchy, click the Expire Entire Hierarchy button.  
TIP: The Expire Entire Hierarchy button appears if you have checked the “Allow Mass Expiration/Suspension” checkbox in Entity Preferences.

  1. To expire the product(s), click OK on the configuration dialog box. 

NOTE: The system displays the expired products in the “Currently Expired” section on the Pricing Status/Import screen.

NOTE: Expired pricing automatically reactivates the next time Optimal Blue downloads pricing from the investor.

Suspend Pricing

Suspended products display in the Search Results as “Suspended”, and originators cannot request locks on these products. Suspended pricing will not automatically reactivate the next time Optimal Blue downloads pricing from the investor. To reactivate pricing, you must either expire pricing before the next download, or manually activate. Contact Optimal Blue Client Services for assistance prior to activating manually.

  1. Select an investor from the investor list on the Entity Selection tab in the configuration site.

  2. Click the Pricing Status/Imports option in the Activity Selection menu.

  3. Click the CLICK HERE to View/Change Availability Settings link, or the Go to Availability Controls button.

  4. Do one of the following:

  • To suspend pricing for all products for this investor, click the Suspend Pricing button.  
  • To suspend pricing for all Investors in your site, click the Suspend Entire Hierarchy button.  
  1. Click OK on the confirmation dialog box to suspend the pricing. 

NOTE: The system displays the suspended products in the “Currently Suspended” section on the Pricing Status/Import screen.

NOTE: Suspended pricing will not automatically reactivate the next time Optimal Blue downloads pricing from the investor. To reactivate pricing, you must either expire pricing before the next download, or manually activate. Contact your account manager for assistance prior to activating manually.

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