Incomplete Registrations

Direct to Sign up:

Note > Report is available to track this information


What it means in the backend 

User experience


Sign up page – 

This is just for Microsoft security verification

User will enter their email address to receive a verification code


Enter Verification code

Microsoft is sending an email “on behalf of” optimal blue and the email is good for a short period of time

User receives the verification code to copy/paste from email to screen or type

 Email may to spam if the user didn’t receive the email. 

User Creation

We prefill email address to user for the username 

User can select Check box to choose a different username

User will need to create a password that meets minimum requirements

Create password

Things to know Inactive usernames cannot be used again.




Start Loansifter Registration Page

At this step, A user is created with user guid and a company IS NOT yet created


The Company NMLS provided will trigger a lookup from the consumer NMLS database.

User will show on the user report NOT company report. company GUID will be 000-000 etc

User needs to provide individual and company information

User can keep company information retrieved or replace with their updated information. 

We do not validate licenses. 

User will abandon this step sometimes.

Returning users can Login with username/password they created and the user lands on the registration page to complete


User can forgot password if they don’t remember their password

Complete Registration Page – “Create Account”

Company GUID gets created in the background. 

Now you can look up this account in Client Admin with Registration status of Pending

 User will land on the Billing (Recurly payment page)


Returning users can Login with username/password they created and the user lands on the registration page to complete


User can forgot password if they don’t remember their password

Billing Page and Click Submit

Recurly account is created

Once recurly account and subscription is created, user is updated to registered status and no longer pending. 


BUG 01.26.22

Client Management shows pending and the user is stuck in a loop

Recurly account is created

 User is redirected after completing the Billing page to the Loansifter search page and will receive a welcome email. 

If the user received and error. Have the user Logout and login or use a separate browser. They will land on the registration page with prefilled company information and will be able to proceed. They will skip the billing step if a recurly account and subscription are active.