Internal System Release Notifications

Release Date Release Items FD Tracker/Tickets External Client Communication
  1. FHA Case # assigned date update for 2022
  2. Adding the Learn More Link for the LoanCatcher Feature
  3. Performance Improvements for LO Comp for Brokerage Administrators 
  4. Correction to the Additional Rates for Contacts with multiple saved scenarios.

Click to View
  1. Resolving and issue with Discount/Rebate dollar amount not displaying when a user views all results from a saved scenario (FD# 682801)
  2. Adding a status column in LendingTree Diagnostics that shows the status of LendingTree acknowledging or receipt of the lead.

FD# 682801
  1. Enhancements to diagnostics to link LSN searches and OB APIs searches for troubleshooting. 
  2. LTLF enhancements to search by additional criteria in app insights 
  3. APIM updates to add the Consumer Best Ex search for LSN APIs and publish “Pop In” feature for Search API
  4. Quick Quote feature work not yet available to users. 
  5. Resolving an issue for some Price Manager rules firing in product details when they shouldn’t (FD 674720,674734, 673259)
  6. Resolving an issue during registration duplicating Recurly accounts created for each user. 
  7. Updates to the Welcome email to update URL and Loansifter Logo. 

FD# 674720,674734, 673259