Optimal Blue Maintenance Notification Sent 10/11/19

Optimal Blue Maintenance Release


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Maintenance Notification


Please be advised:

On Friday, October 18th, Optimal Blue will install a Maintenance Release in the Production environment at 10:00 PM Central Time with no down time expected. Details of this release are below:


Update Encompass Session Timeout Redirection Page


Currently, when a user is in Optimal Blue within Encompass and there has been no activity for 20 minutes, the Optimal Blue session will timeout and the user is redirected to the Optimal Blue login page. With this release, we will begin redirecting the user to a new page which will notify them that their Optimal Blue session has ended and they will need to close the loan in Encompass in order to start a new Optimal Blue session. This change is in preparation for our migration to Azure AD for user authentication.


Update Encompass Change Request Logout Redirection Page


In our September 16, 2019 release we made an update to the Encompass integration which automatically logs out a user after performing a Change Request and redirects them to the Optimal Blue login page. With this release, we will change this process to redirect the user to a new page that will notify them that their Optimal Blue session has ended and they will need to close the loan in Encompass in order to start a new Optimal Blue session. This change is in preparation for our migration to Azure AD for user authentication.


Please reach out to your Client Services team at clientservices@optimalblue.com or by calling 1-844-465-1001 if you have any further questions surrounding this release.



The Optimal Blue Team


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