Pricing Trace

This video describes how to view a pricing trace on a loan within the Secondary Queue and describes the sections in the pricing trace.

Pricing Trace

A Pricing Trace can be run on any loan within the Secondary Queue or that is in a loan officer’s pipeline as long as a product has been selected. The Pricing Trace captures the investor base pricing, as well as loan level adjustments, markups, price filters, and delivery pads applied to the final price. Each adjustment type is detailed and followed by an adjusted pricing grid showing their effect on pricing.

To run a Pricing Trace, select a loan and then choose the Pricing Tracing icon from the loan status bar.

A price trace is available for each action; locks, change requests, etc., that has occurred on the loan. Select the occurrence you want to trace pricing for from the list at the top of the page. This list displays the rate and price displayed to the LO at the time of the request or when an action on the loan occurred.

The first table of the Pricing Trace displays the unadjusted investor pricing.

The Adjusted rate sheet pricing grid displays investor pricing after any mapped adjustments have been applied, for example, extended lock period adjustments.

Next, any markups, LO comp and delivery pads are listed. The Adjusted Base Pricing for Product grid displays pricing after these adjustments are applied.

Details of any Loan Level Pricing Adjustments are displayed as well as the Notes and Advisories. The Adjusted Pricing grid shows pricing after these adjustments have been applied, prior to the application of any dynamic markup strategies.

The Dynamic Markup Summary lists any dynamic markup strategies and the levels associated with each strategy. The Adjusted Pricing for Product grid shows the total value of the dynamic strategies.

Next, the Markup Levels itemizes the total value applied for each level. The Fully Adjusted/Rounded LO Pricing Grid shows the final price at the time the LO requested the lock or when the action occurred on the loan.

The LO compensation formula and amount is displayed (if configured). The final rate, price and origination details are displayed for the lock period requested.

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