Script a New Label for a Pricing Adjustment or Eligibility Disqualifier

This article describes the process to replace the adjustment or disqualifier label displayed in the search results.

Users can input their own rule text to replace the default scripted text that appears in each product’s search results.

Rule Texts

1. Login to the Configuration site by clicking the Configuration button on the web site selection screen.

2. Select the desired investor whose products you want the message to display on. Click the Markup & Rule Texts activity.

3. In the View/Edit Rule Texts section, select Add New Text (this is the default if no other rule texts have been configured).

4. There are two rule text boxes on the right side of the screen for the Rule Texts. The top box reflects the rule text name and only users with access to the Configuration site will see the label. The bottom text box is where you will type your display text as it is appear in the search results. Give your rule text a name, display text and click Update Rule Text to save.

Scripting / Replacing Rule Texts

1. With the same investor selected, click the Manage Products tab and select the product/set to where the rule resides that you want to replace the rule texts on.

2. Navigate to the Adjustments activity (select the Eligibility activity if replacing Disqualifier text) and locate the rule to update the text for. Select the rule and click View/Edit Rule. Users can also script new rules by creating a grid set here and adding a new rule.


Note: If you are looking for an existing rule and you are not sure where the rule is located, you can run a search in the Product Search activity by locating the product in the search results and either in the Adjustments or Disqualifier section, click on the Definition link. This will take you to the rule. Be advised, if the rule is scripted at a set level, a message will display that states Click here to view/edit rule in set level. In most cases you will want to edit the rule at the set level instead of overlay at the product level.

3. In the Scripted Rule screen, click the Edit button under Add New Action.

4. From the Action Type drop down list, select Replace Rule Text. For Action Value, locate the text label previous created that you would like replace the text with. Click Update.

5. Click Save to apply changes.

6. The new rule text will now display instead of the default script text within the loan level pricing adjustments section of the product search results.

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