Client Management Lookup

Looking of customers in Loansifter

  1. Navigate to
    1. Note: OB and Loansifter share the same MSFT AD Tenant so you must use a separate browser or logout of OB before logging in to LS
    2. Digital Marketplace is separate
  2. Enter Loansifter credentials
  3. OB Users will see OB Internal Tools
    1. Client Management provides a look up of active customer
      1. To see inactive customers, use the drop down to the right of the client look up
      2. Look up users by Name, Username, NMLS ID or Company Name
    2. Select Search History to view transaction history of EVERY API/Integration transaction that resulted in a Loansifter Search
      1. Note if a customer has a state or loan program disabled for a search, the transaction can only be found in Diagnostics for that Integration and not in this search history. This feature limits actual intended searches to process through OB engine.