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Whether you are looking to improve operational efficiencies, deploy the latest innovations in technology, or grow your bottom line, Optimal Blue offers a wide range of educational white papers, informative case studies, and webinars to help you achieve organizational goals.
Join us for our new product webinar where we will introduce our newest data solution, Competitive Data License. This product is available to Optimal Blue PPE users and offers access to granular pricing metrics, real-time comparative data, and more.
Congratulations on passing Hedging 101 and 201. Now it’s time to kick it up another gear! Join us for the next session in our hedging series as we take a deeper dive into more advanced capital market strategies and how they naturally interplay with technological advances.
Whether you’re considering retaining servicing, or you already have an existing MSR portfolio, you won’t want to miss this highly informative and timely webinar. Industry experts from Optimal Blue will focus on the impact of interest rates on the valuation of servicing and how to measure the sensitivity of servicing to moves in interest rates.