June 2022 Release

New Features in Quick Quote

A new option is available to add a contact button providing consumers the option to submit their contact information directly from the Quick Quote results view. When submitted, Loansifter will send an email to the account owner with the borrower’s contact information and a link to view the Quote History page. A contact will automatically be created in Loansifter for the borrower, with saved scenarios for conventional, FHA and VA loan types, as applicable, to expedite future searches when you engage with your borrower.

The Apply Now link used to guide users to the next step in the application process has been changed from being displayed on every rate and price row to a single global button within the Quick Quote results view as shown above. If you currently have the external link option enabled for your Quick Quote Results view, we will retain your link configuration and no action is needed.

We have expanded the FICO ranges the borrower selects in the Quick Quote Search form to support Jumbo product offerings with more specific FICO target ranges above 740 to provide for more accurate pricing results. The default range previously set to 740 & Up will now be set to 740-759. You can set the default option to another range in your Quick Quote configuration at any time.