This article describes how to reject a pending lock request.
For additional information download the Secondary User Guide. Clients who are integrated with an LOS should refer to the guide provided in the LOS Integrations category for their respective system.
Click the Secondary Options icon for a selected loan.
If you want to reject the lock request, click the Reject Lock button located in the Loan Status section.
The system updates the status field to “Denied” and sends an email to the originator to indicate that the lock has been denied.
Release the selected loan by clicking the Secondary Queue tab, finding the selected loan, and clicking the Release link.
WARNING: In order to release the selected loan, you must click the Release link, select another loan, or log-out of Optimal Blue. If close your browser without logging out of Optimal Blue or manually releasing a selected loan, all users, regardless of access level, will be locked out of the loan for 15 minutes.