Setting Search Default Values – Loansifter

The My Search Defaults feature allows you to set default values that will be pre-selected every time you begin a new search.

The pre-existing New Search default values are based on the most common 30 year, fixed rate loan scenario. This feature allows you to further customize your default values to match your particular needs.

To customize your default values, start by selecting My Search Defaults from the My Settings menu.

The Price Search Behavior options allow you to establish the method for how your search results are displayed when you choose to search by Price. Searches by Rate will not be impacted by this setting.

  • Display results based on the target price. This option will return all eligible products at all rates at or above the target price.
  • Display results based on the “best available” rate for the target price. This option will return all eligible products at the lowest rate matching the desired price. Eligible products that have a higher rate will appear on the Eligible Products with other Rates tab.

Enter the specific search information you wish to establish as your default values, then select the Save Defaults button. If any errors are returned based on the values you selected, they must be corrected before a save is allowed.

Some commonly established default options include:

  • State – A state and county selection is required for a search. Selecting a state as a default value enables you to only have to select a county.
  • Search by Price or Rate – The pre-set value for this option is to search by price. This can be changed to search by rate if that is what you more commonly use.
  • Investors – You can set a preferred list of investors or assign an investor group. See the Investor Groups section of this guide for information on how to configure custom groups of investors that are specific to you.

Additional information can be found in the Loansifter User Guide.