Auto-Populate Sell Side Pricing

The Auto-populate Sell Side Pricing action type scripting variable provides the ability to automatically apply sell-side pricing to the Secondary BestEx screen at time of Lock Accept. This eliminates the need for users to run a Secondary Best Ex action and click the Lock with Investor button to get the sell-side information to populate within the LOS. Both the buy-side and sell-side information/columns will populate in the LOS upon the Lock Accept action.

The following screen shows an example of how this action type can be used to script rules in the Configuration site:

When a rule is scripted to Auto-populate Sell Side Pricing, the following fields will automatically be populated on the 2ndary BestEx screen at the time the lock is accepted in Optimal Blue. This data is also sent to the LOS and can be retrieved by the Optimal Blue APIs.

  • Investor
  • Investor Product Name
  • Investor Rate
  • Investor Price
  • Investor Lock Period
  • Lock Expiration Secondary

Please Note: This functionality is only applicable for Lock Accept actions. Updates to sell-side pricing will need to be manually maintained for post lock activities.

Clear Sell-Side Pricing Entity Preferences

Two Entity Preferences in the Secondary/Lock Desk section of the Lender site Entity Preferences screen provide users with the option to automatically clear sell-side pricing on the Secondary BestEx screen based on subsequent actions taken on a lock request or locked loan.

  • Do you want to clear BestEx Sell Side data when a lock is rejected/denied?
    • When set to Yes, the automatically populated fields will be cleared from the 2ndary BestEx screen when the lock is denied in Optimal Blue.
    • When set to No, the automatically populated fields will be retained on the 2ndary BestEx screen when the lock status in Optimal Blue is Denied.
  • Do you want to clear BestEx Sell Side data when a lock is cancelled/set back to Registered status?
    • When set to Yes, the automatically populated fields will be cleared from the 2ndary BestEx screen when the lock is Cancelled or set back to Registered status in Optimal Blue.
    • When set to No, the fields automatically populated fields will be retained on the 2ndary BestEx screen when the lock status in Optimal Blue is Cancelled or set back to Registered.

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