Business Channel – Activity Selection Overview

This article describes the activities that can be performed at the business channel level of the configuration site.

Business Channel entity activities can be accessed within the Configuration Site by selecting the desired business channel in the Entity Selection screen.

Once a business channel entity is selected (highlighted in yellow), the activity selection will display on the right side of the screen.

Important: Many business channel activities are entity specific, meaning changes made in the activity will ONLY affect the selected entity. For example, with the retail entity selected, when Markup Schedules are applied, only the users in the Retail business channel will have the applied markup in their pricing.

Entity Preferences – You can change the name of the business channel on this screen by typing in the new business channel name in the Entity Name field. If you want to hide the investor names for a specific business channel you can uncheck the “Display Investor Names in Searches” checkbox. Be sure you have selected the appropriate business channel before you go to the Entity Preferences screen and click the Update button after you make any change.

Pricing Status/Import – You can see the investor ratesheet status for multiple investors on this screen, at the business channel level.

Product Search – Please see the below items.

1)  Review eligibility & adjustment rules
2) Check the pricing, which will include all the markups (Investor Specific markups, Markup Schedules & Dynamic Markups), Rate/Price Selections & delivery pads, for the selected business channel.
Select any eligible product to see the Markups, Rate/Price Selections and Delivery Pads that are applying to the selected product. Click on any price in the fully adjusted price grid to open the live Price Trace. On the Price Trace you will see how we calculated final pricing from the unadjusted rate sheet price to the Fully Adjusted/Final LO price.
3)  When you run a product search at the business channel level you will see the pricing for all investors that are turned on for the selected business channel.
4) You can create a Support Ticket, Save a Profile, Load a Profile and Delete a Profile.
5)  You can use the “Definition” link in the Adjustment section to take you to that specific adjustment rule.

            6) You can use the “Definition” link for an ineligible product to take you to that specific eligibility rule.

Fee Schedules – You can create a fee schedule for the selected business channel, if you are managing your fees in Optimal Blue.

Markup Level Definition and Caps – You can create Markup Level Custom Names for investor specific markups and for your Markup Schedules. This can be useful for reporting purposes.

Markup Schedules, Dynamic Markup & Rounding and Rate/Price Selection Options:

1)  They can be created at a business channel level and by product category.
2) By default, they will apply to all investors.
3) Custom Assignments can be used if the strategy/schedule isn’t global.
4)  Be sure to select the appropriate business channel before you assign the strategy/schedule in the Product Category Assignments.  They won’t apply to the users in the selected business channel until they are assigned to each Product Category, on the Markup Schedule screen.

Markup Schedules – Create Markups at a business channel level that will apply to all investors by default. Markup Schedules are mainly used for Global markups.

Dynamic Markups & Rounding – Dynamic Markups allows users to create strategies to incrementally generate profit margins. You can create Dynamic Markups & Rounding Strategies at a business channel level that will apply to all investors by default.  Please see the Markup Types below.  

Rate/Price Selection Options – These strategies allow users get very granular with how rates and prices are displayed to their loan officers. Create Rate/Price Selection option at a business channel level that will apply to all investors by default.  Please see the Rate/Price Selection Options below.

Manage LO Compensation Schedule Assignment – This is where you can create LO Compensation schedules.  This activity selection is not available by default. This can be turned on by your AM if you are using LO Compensation Schedules in OB.  You can include the LO Compensation in pricing or not include it in pricing.  This is a way to do markups at a user level.

User Compensation Schedule Assignment – This is where you assign the LO Compensation schedules to the appropriate users.

Manage QM Policies – On this screen you can manage QM policies. You may use the Optimal Blue global default policy or you can create your own policy to apply.

Release Updates to Production – Configuration changes are not automatically available to users on the Lender site. To push your changes to production, you must first release the updates to production. For information about selective releases to production, see the Selective Release to Production User Guide.

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