Capture Internal Setup Procedures

Client Services Capture Setup Procedures

1. Upon receipt of the We Won, the CSM will reach out to their primary client contact and schedule an initial call. In this call the following information should be determined and gathered with the client: 

  • The Entity Index pricing will be derived from. It might be best for the client to set up a new business channel for Capture.
  • The User ID – a user is required in the business channel mentioned above, the API will price as this user. 
  • All Supported Products – this is a list of all products that could potentially return for the Capture business channel. A screen shot of the Product Tree for each investor entity enabled for the Capture business channel will suffice. 
  • Required Custom Fields and the Default Answer – If there are any custom fields in the Capture business channel that are required, please make note of what the default answer is for each required field. 
  • Fees for APR Calculation – If the customer would like fees to be considered in the APR calculation that returns in the Capture results, a fee schedule will need to be applied.

2. Once all of the above information is collected: 

  • Send the information to Mike Vough at 
  • Be sure to include the name of the customer and that this is in reference to their Capture setup.

3. Mike will complete the Capture setup within Compass Point and will work with the customer to complete testing.

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