Change Request did not push to LOS – Internal

When a customer is reporting that a change request was accepted, but it did not push to the LOS:

  1. This typically happens when a 2ndary user visits Historical Research (which puts them in scratchpad mode) before they accept the change request. If the user was in scratchpad mode at the time of accept, it will not successfully push to Encompass. 
    1. Check by running User Action Log report in script runner.
    2. Look for ‘Historical_Search’ around the time the change request was accepted. This will identify if the user was in scratchpad mode.

To remedy, the user should completely exit scratchpad mode, or exit the loan. Re-open the loan and complete a Save to LOS from the 2ndary options page.

Delete above and send to customer:

We typically see this happen when a 2ndary user visits the Historical Research page, which puts the user in scratchpad mode, then they accept the change request.  If the user was in scratchpad mode at the time of accept, it will not successfully push to Encompass.

The User Action Log around the time the change request was accepted, shows that the 2ndary user did visit the historical research page prior to accepting the change request (See screenshot below).

<< Insert Screenshot from the user action log >>

To remedy this, first confirm the change request was accepted in the Change History page, then navigate to the 2ndary options page and click ‘Save to LOS’ to push the updates.

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