Driving into the Digital Age with End-to-End Secondary Marketing Automation

In this recorded webinar, Bob Brandt, VP of Marketing and Alliances at Optimal Blue, discusses the tools Optimal Blue provides for originators and how they tie into the digital age of secondary marketing automation.

Join Bob as he shares information on Optimal Blue’s tools to:

  • Automate manual processes and replace spreadsheets
  • Improve product & pricing precision, accuracy and depth
  • Implement compliant rates everywhere across the loan process and integrate with the leading mortgage tech systems in real-time
  • Protect yourself against compliance, financial, and reputation risks with employee social media activity
  • Maximize gain on sale and minimize interest rate and execution risks with a robust pipeline risk management solution
  • Position yourself for growth with choice and scalability with a solution that grows with you as your business changes
(022218) Driving into the Digital Age with End-to-End Secondary Marketing Automation

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