Encompass Best Practices – Integration Mapping

This article describes Encompass integration mapping best practices.

Streamline and IRRRL Refinances

  • There are 5 fields in Encompass that must be populated for an FHA Streamline or VA IRRRL loan purpose to be sent via ePass. (Please refer to the Encompass Select Things to Know document to identify these fields.)
  • If these fields are not populated correctly in Encompass, the loan purpose that is passed to Optimal Blue will not be FHA Streamline Refi or IRRRL.
  • We recommend locking down the loan purpose field on the Optimal Blue search form to force the LO to enter the correct values in Encompass to ensure the loan purpose populates correctly in Optimal Blue.

Doc Type Mapping

  • Loan Documentation can be set in the Optimal Blue Fields to Not Export so that we will not override the Streamline Documentation type in Encompass.


  • We recommend using the Optimal Blue QM values and allowing those values to be mapped to Encompass.
  • To use this mapping, configure the Optimal Blue QM settings based on your company’s compliance policies and review the ATR/QM fields.
  • This mapping can be turned off by specific fields using the Optimal Blue Fields to Not Export option. Consult with your Optimal Blue Account Manager to configure.

Product Mapping

  • Some customers need to see the Encompass Product Name and Code in Encompass. To solve for this, Optimal Blue can send any combination of Optimal Blue / Encompass Product Name and Code (or No Product Code).
  • Product mapping is not required. Some customers may find it necessary depending on how their templates or docs are set up within Encompass.
  • Product mapping is a valuable tool for customers who have rules or reports in Encompass that are tied to Product Names and/or Lock Plan Codes.
  • If a product is not mapped, we will send the Optimal Blue product name and code by default.

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