Error 1:
Error: Lock Request for Optimal Blue loan Index #### was not received by Encompass
Occurs when Secondary is selecting the loan from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue. (Optimal Blue loan index would be different.)
LO lock request did not get accepted by Encompass so when Optimal Blue is trying to select the loan and retrieve data from Encompass, the lock request does not exist in Encompass. The LO did not receive the pop-up screen displaying imported fields when they requested the lock. The screen most likely froze on the LO. This is not a SDK error. It is noticed more as Secondary is working from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue. In non-SDK customers are launching out from Encompass from the Secondary Lock Tool on the Lock Requested lock which would not exist if the lock request was not pushed to Encompass
Send to Customer:
Optimal Blue did not receive the retrieve call from Encompass when the LO requested the lock therefore the lock request action in Encompass did not occur. We have seen this with other customers and have contacted Ellie Mae. They have recognized this as an issue occurring on their end and are working to understand the cause. In the meantime, Secondary can send the lock request to Encompass which will push the lock request or set the loan status back to Registered in Optimal Blue which will allow the LO to request a new lock on this loan.
Error 2:
An Error has occurred while processing your request. This error has been logged in the ABC Mortgage system. If this Problem persists, please contact your ABC Mortgage representative.
Occurs when LO or Secondary is attempting to perform a Change Request (example below is from a specific customer).
Things to Check:
1. Does customer have auto-accept turned on?
2. If no to #1, please open a TR.
3. If yes to #1, did the Lock Request or Accept occur in Encompass?
4. If no to #3, please see “Cause” below and proceed to “Send to Customer”
(Same as Error 1 but customer is using Auto-Lock)-LO lock request did not get accepted by Encompass therefore, the lock request and auto-accept of the loan does not exist in Encompass. The LO did not receive the pop-up screen displaying imported fields when they requested the lock. The screen most likely froze on the LO. This is not an SDK error. It is noticed more as Secondary is working from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue. In non-SDK customers are launching out from Encompass from the Secondary Lock Tool on the Lock Requested lock which would not exist if the lock request was not pushed to Encompass
Send to Customer:
Optimal Blue did not receive the retrieve call from Encompass when the LO requested the lock therefore the lock request and auto-accept action in Encompass did not occur. Secondary can send the lock request to Encompass which will push the lock request or set the loan status back to Registered in Optimal Blue which will allow the LO to request a new lock on this loan.
Error 3:
Error: Unexpected server error: The remote host has lost all information about us. It is recommended to resubscribe to all remote host’s events. The action requested was not completed successfully. Please complete the process again. If the issue persists, contact your internal administrator for assistance.
Occurs when Secondary is attempting to hit Lock with Investor or Save to LOS (example below is from a specific customer)
Things to Check:
1. Does customer have auto-accept turned on?
2. If no to #1, please open a TR.
3. If yes to #1, did the Lock Request or Accept occur in Encompass?
4. If no to #3, please see “Cause” below and proceed to “Send to Customer”
(Same as Error 1 and 2 but customer is using Auto-Lock)-LO lock request did not get accepted by Encompass therefore, the lock request and auto-accept of the loan does not exist in Encompass. The LO did not receive the pop-up screen displaying imported fields when they requested the lock. The screen most likely froze on the LO.
This is not an SDK error. It is noticed more as Secondary is working from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue. In non-SDK customers are launching out from Encompass from the Secondary Lock Tool on the Lock Requested lock which would not exist if the lock request was not pushed to Encompass
Send to Customer:
Optimal Blue did not receive the retrieve call from Encompass when the LO requested the lock therefore the lock request and auto-accept action in Encompass did not occur. Secondary can send the lock request to Encompass which will push the lock request or set the loan status back to Registered in Optimal Blue which will allow the LO to request a new lock on this loan.
Error 4:
Error: Inner exception is nothing. – Invalid Encompass User This action requested was not completed successfully. Please complete the process again. If the issue persists, contact your internal administrator for assistance.
Generally happens when performing Secondary functionality resulting in a push to Encompass (Accept Lock, Lock with Investor, Save to LOS, etc.).
The Encompass credentials stored in the “My Settings” screen in Optimal Blue are invalid/expired.
Send to Customer:
The Encompass credentials stored in the “My Settings” screen in Optimal Blue are invalid/expired. Please visit the “My Settings” screen and update your Encompass credentials then hit the “Save and Validate Encompass 360 Credentials” button once updated. The “Status” will display once valid credentials have been accepted (see screenshot below).
Error 5:
Error: Cannot set value on virtual field
Generally happens when performing Secondary functionality resulting in a push to Encompass (Accept Lock, Lock with Investor, Save to LOS, etc.)
There has been a virtual field added to their forms in Encompass.
Send to Customer:
Please reach out to your Ellie Mae Representative as a virtual field has been added to your forms and is preventing the push from Optimal Blue to Encompass. This will need to be removed or modified in order to allow for further functionality to occur between Optimal Blue and Encompass.
Error 6:
Loan Officer does not have the ability to “Update Encompass” or “Request Lock”, as buttons are disabled:
Things to Check:
1. Is this occurring on EVERY loan or just one-offs?
2. In either scenario, does the customer have auto-numbering turned on in Encompass?
3. If one-off, does this particular loan have an Encompass Loan Identifier?
4. If no to #3, please see “Cause” below and proceed to “Send to Customer”
5. If yes to #2 and #3, then something could be wrong with integration thru Workbench, please un-integrate and reintegrate the business channel in question if only one channel experiencing the issue or all channels if occurring in all.
Buttons are disabled as loan has come into Optimal Blue as a Prospect rather than a Registered loan. A change made in the 10/4/13 release has forced Optimal Blue to require an Encompass Loan Identifier in order to allow any pushes (Update Encompass or Request Lock) to Encompass.
Send to Customer:
We are not receiving an Encompass loan identifier on this loan and therefore cannot push information to Encompass. Please add a loan number and re-attempt. It is best practices to turn on the Auto-Numbering feature within Encompass to ensure this does not continue to occur.
Error 7:
Error: Loan with GUID not found
When Secondary tried to select the loan from the Secondary Queue in Optimal Blue
The loan was originated in a different Encompass server than the server (URL) we have in Blue Services.
Action by CA:
Ask the customer which server was used to create the loan. Verify in Blue Services this is the URL we have recorded. If you do not know how to do this, please check with Integrations. Customer will need to launch out on that loan with credentials that are tied to the channel their server is pointed to. They will also need to have the entity preference “UpdateImportedLoanWithCurrentLO” set to Yes so that the loan will move back into the correct channel within Optimal Blue.
Error 8:
Loan is showing as Lock Requested or Locked in Encompass however is not showing up in the Optimal Blue Secondary Queue.
Things to Check:
1. If a LO, launches out to Optimal Blue on loan from Encompass, does loan show Optimal Blue status as “Registered”?
2. If yes, please proceed to “Cause” and “Send to Customer”
Optimal Blue status mapping is incorrect indicating that something was not correctly integrated. The Loan Officer most likely came out to Optimal Blue on the Locked or Lock Pending Loan from Encompass flipping the status back to Registered in Optimal Blue therefore removing it from the Secondary Queue.
Action by CA:
Please see Integrations or open a Tech Request
Error 9:
Loan Officer launched from Encompass on a Locked or Locked Pending loan (displayed as Locked or Lock Pending in Encompass) and the Optimal Blue status is showing as Registered. LO is unable to perform a Change Request if navigating to that screen. Same issue as above however discovered differently.
Optimal Blue status mapping is incorrect indicating that something was not correctly integrated. The Loan Officer most likely came out to Optimal Blue on the Locked or Lock Pending Loan from Encompass flipping the status back to Registered in Optimal Blue therefore removing it from the Secondary Queue.
Action by CA:
Please see Integrations or open a Tech Request
Error 10:
Error: Access Denied
Secondary user is unable to select the loan in the Optimal Blue Secondary Queue.
The Encompass user that is associated with the Optimal Blue user attempting to select the loan (My Settings) does not have access to the folder in Encompass where the loan resides. If occurring on ALL loans, that user does not have Read/Write access in Optimal Blue
Send to Customer (if isolated issue with a particular loan or loans):
User xxxx in Optimal Blue that is associated with Encompass user (xxxx) does not have access to this loan (Encompass Loan ID/BWR info). In order to access the loan in Optimal Blue, that Encompass user should have access to all loan folders within Encompass.
Send to Customer (if this is occurring on all loans this user attempts to select):
User xxxx in Optimal Blue that is associated with Encompass user (xxxx) does not appear to have Read/Write access to this loan in Encompass. To access the loan in Optimal Blue, that Encompass user should have Read/Write access within Encompass.
Error 11:
Request Lock via partner interface has not been enabled by your administrator.
Originator attempts to request a lock
Encompass Product and Pricing settings have not yet been configured.
Send to Customer:
Your Encompass settings have not been configured. Please configure as follows:
b. Expand the Secondary Setup option, then select Product and Pricing
c. Select Optimal Blue-Enhanced as Product and Pricing Provider and check the Request Lock and Lock Confirm checkboxes (see screenshot below)
Error 12:
TPO Portal- Originator is attempting to save a loan in order to launch out to Optimal Blue
TPO Portal user was not given access to create loans.
Send to Customer:
User needs to be configured properly to save loans within the TPO Portal. This is functionality outside of Optimal Blue. Please reach out to your Encompass administrator to enable this functionality inside of Encompass.
Error 13:
Error: The value ’09/31/2018′ is invalid for field ‘HUD0142’. The value ’09/31/2018′ could not be converted to a valid date
User is attempting to make a push to Encompass.
Invalid Date has been entered for a specific field.
Send to Customer:
Please access 2015 itemization/aggregate setup/clear all impounds in Encompass to clear this invalid date.
Error 14:
Concurrent loan locking is not permitted by system policy
Locked loan in OB will not push to Encompass
Customer has “Multi-user editing” turned on in Encompass and not in OB.
Action by CA:
Multi User Editing is not supported with this integration. Customer will need to turn off this functionality in Encompass.
Your Organization is not approved to submit loans of this type. Please contact your Account Executive for assistance
Received by TPO users
License settings need to be updated in Encompass
Action by Customer:
1. Visit the “License” tab settings in “Encompass Settings”.
2. Change the “Policy for Loans in Unlicensed States” to “No Restrictions”.
3. If you want to select any other option, then you have to make sure to select the licenses for states. (Select check box should be checked for states)
Customer unable to validate credentials under my settings tab.
CA has verified with customer that credentials are correct and can log into the Encompass server the integration is tied to.
Client Advisor to Verify:
Verify the URL in Blue Services for the customer matches the customer’s Encompass URL.
If URL matches, the IP address restriction configuration is most likely the cause
Action by Customer:
Customer to verify the IP address restriction configuration allows the IP addresses defined in the Encompass Select Setup Procedures. If customer is not restricting IP addresses or has all of our IP addresses configured, please open a Tech Request.
Error 17:
Error: Inner exception is nothing. – Login failed for user ‘’ from host ##.###.###.### due to error (IPBlocked)
Customer has their Encompass Admin Policy setting to “Allow access from certain IPs” set to “Enable” and the allowed IPs that they have set up do not include our IP addresses.
Action by Customer: ***See note below
Customer will need to add the following IP addresses to their Allowed IPs list:
***On July 12th 2019, at 2:00 AM CT, Optimal Blue will be updating the IP addresses of our Production environment. While we limit these types of changes as much as possible, these new IP addresses are related to a necessary upgrade of the services we contract through Azure. This change will impact all Encompass® Users that have configured the LOS to only allow access from certain IPs which is a common configuration choice.
It is important that you DO NOT remove any IP addresses that are currently configured as “Allowed” until sometime after Optimal Blue’s July 12th update. In addition, you must add the new IP addresses as “Allowed” before July 12th, or you will experience service disruption as soon as our update is completed.
The new Production IP addresses are:
Error 18:
There was an error when trying to connect to the Optimal Blue service The error was: The underlying connection was closed: an unexpected error occurred on a send.
Customer unable to launch to Optimal Blue from Encompass
Optimal Blue security protocol requires that clients use TLS 1.2 and above.
Action by Customer:
The user experiencing the error go to internet options, advanced tab, scroll to the bottom and make sure the use TLS 1.2 is checked.
Error 19:
Cancel Push failing with message “Object reference not set to instance of an object.”
This happens when there is no active lock record in Encompass (e.g. if the loan is cancelled in Encompass before being cancelled in Optimal Blue.
Action by Customer:
After getting error in push log, go back into the loan in Optimal Blue and do a “Save to LOS” push. When the Save to LOS push is completed then retry the Cancel push.
Error 20:
The Lock Request has been submitted outside of Lock Desk Hours and cannot be accepted. Please reprice and resubmit your Lock Request during Lock Desk Hours.
Push failing message (Seen when hovering over the red ‘X’)
This happens when the push is occurring outside of their Encompass Lock Desk Hour settings.
Action by Customer:
They can update their Encompass Lock Desk Hour settings by logging into Encompass-Settings-Secondary Setup -Lock Desk Setup.
Error 21:
The pricing request violates your administrative settings and cannot be processed.
Ellie Mae feature enhancements released in 19.1 related to Re-Lock Enablement settings were designed to limit
access to the Encompass Product and Pricing Service where a user could bypass this security setting via
and Services Tab. This setting enhancement inadvertently affected the Optimal Blue Pricing workflow and
prevents users from progressing through pricing via SmartClient.
Send to customer:
The current error that is displayed, “The pricing request violates your administrative settings and cannot be processed.”, for Optimal Blue users,
can be circumvented by adjusting the service by disabling the setting “For Active Locks”. While this is a
short term workaround, Encompass is working towards a long term solution to segment these settings to
just EPPS users and disregard other pricing services/solutions.