Exporting Loan Data using the 2ndary Loan Export

To analyze data about your loan pipeline, you can generate a report (in the form of a data export) based on loan fields you select. Use this article to work with loan export templates and generate/view data exports.

Common uses for this feature include looking up how many locks an originator requested over a specific period of time and tracking how many locks have been requested for certain investor products.

The Secondary Loan Export tool generates a data file in a comma delimited (.csv) format, which can be easily opened in a spreadsheet tool like Microsoft Excel.

NOTE: You do not need to select a specific loan prior to running the Secondary Loan Export feature as it is designed to export loan data in bulk.

There are two default templates: Default and Chase Loan Export.  

  • The Chase template captures all required fields from your Optimal Blue loan needed for uploading Loans into Chase’s online system.

  • The Default template is blank and is available for a user to edit and customize.

You can use one of these templates or add a new template to the system.

Edit or Create a Loan Export Template

You can define the amount of information that you want the system to generate in the export file for reports by creating a new template or editing an existing template.  

  1. From Secondary Queue tab, click the Secondary Loan Export option.

  2. Create a new template by clicking the Add New Template button, or change an existing template by clicking the Edit button next to the template that you want to modify.

  3. If you are creating a new template, enter a name in the Template Name field.

  4. To limit the amount of information generated when using this report template, choose the appropriate Business Channel, Access Level, User, and Date.  

Consider the following information for each field:

  • Business Channel — Each user ID is associated with a single business channel.  Any loan added to the system is automatically tied to the business channel for the person who created the record, unless the loan has been reassigned.  By selecting an entity from the Business Channel drop-down, you are limiting the export results to just those records created by someone in that business channel.

  • Access Level — The Optimal Blue platform includes 10 levels of access, and your system administrator is responsible for associating each user ID with one of those roles.  A user designated as a “Loan Officer,” for example, can add new loans and request rate locks.  While a user designated as a “Lock Desk Clerk” can validate pricing and accept/deny a lock request.

  • User —User IDs of all active users in the system.  By selecting a user from the drop-down, you limit the export results to just those records created by that user.

  • Loan Date Field — The event that you want to use to trigger the date range for your report.  For example, if you want to export loans that were locked within a date range, you should select “Lock Accepted”.

NOTE: Selecting “Any” will return all records for that parameter.

NOTE: When you select a Business Channel and/or Access Level filter, the people available in the User drop-down will be limited to those for that branch and/or access level.

  1. Check the fields you want to include in the export based on this template.  You can use the Select All and Select None buttons at the bottom of the field grid.

  2. Click the Save Template button, and then click Back to List to return to the Loan Export main page.

Generate and View Data Export

  1. From the Loan Export main page, decide which template that you want to use for your export.

  2. Enter the date range for the report in the fields next to the appropriate template. You can enter the date in the field or use the calendar tool.  In the calendar tool, use the arrows [≤ and ≥] on either side of the name of the month to change the month, and click on the date to select that value.

NOTE: The data range applies to the Loan Date Field value that you configured in the report template. For instance, if you chose “Lock Accepted” from the Loan Date Field in your template, the report includes loans with a lock acceptance date that fall within the date range that you enter.

  1. Click the Export button next to the template that you want to use for the export.

  2. You can immediately open the export file in .csv format to review the contents.  Click “Open” to review the file immediately, or click “Save” to save it on your computer.

NOTE: If you do not have an application such as Microsoft Excel configured to open .csv files, please contact your system administrator for support.

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