How to Configure Investor Specific Markups

This article explains how to configure a markup on the pricing output within an investor product tree. These markups can be specific to an investor and a business channel.

Investor Specific Markups User Guide

Investor Specific Markups

  1. From the Entity Selection tab in the configuration site, choose the investor for which you want to apply a specific markup.

  2. Choose Manage Products option from the activity selection menu on the right.

  3. Choose the appropriate product set or product you want to place the specific markup.

  4. Choose the Markups (New) activity on the right.  

  5. Click the Add New Markup button.

  6. Fill in the markup details

    • Markup Value – Apply a markup value in dollars and/or percentage amount. Applying values in both fields adds them together.

NOTE: When applying markup values, positive values (for both dollar and percentage) are markups, negative values are subsidies.

  • Calculated caps – Apply a minimum and maximum calculated cap in dollar amount.
  • Markup Level – Choose a markup level from the drop-down menu if your markups are labeled specifically.
  • Pricing Output – Choose which business channel you want this markup to apply to.
  • Mid-Day Change – You can choose to delete this markup when pricing updates. (This option is how to apply a temporary markup.)
  • Apply to Secondary – You can choose to include this markup value in secondary best-ex (This option can be used for an investor incentive that will be included in secondary best-ex pricing).
  1. Click Update.

  2. Any markups you apply at a higher level in the hierarchy will appear in the markup section. The markup that you just applied is available to view/edit at any time.

  3. After applying or changing any markups, Release Updates to Production from the Entity selection tab. For information about selective updates to production, see the Selective Release to Production User Guide.

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