Locked rate is highest rate available on change request (Mortgagebot LOS) – Internal


A Mortgagebot customer is attempting to do a change request, or use historical pricing and it is not displaying any rates higher than the locked rate.


This is often caused by a maximum approved rate notated in Mortgagebot LOS under the U/W Conditions/Decision screen.   Optimal Blue will not display rates above this maximum rate.


Request the customer check the UW Conditions / Decision screen (In Mortgagebot) for a max rate, and increase it as needed.  Then launch out to Optimal Blue.

We can also add the field “Maximum Approved Rate” to the 2ndary Options form, so that the 2ndary user can edit / remove the max approved rate on their own.

As a last resort, a TR can be opened to have the max rate removed from our database.  See TR 174492 for an example.

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