Markup Preview

This user guide describes how to use the Markup Preview screen to review markups for a particular entity, user or loan profile without running a full product search.

Markup Preview User Guide

The following steps describe how to use the Markup Preview screen to review markups for a particular entity, user, or loan profile without running a full product search.

Markup Preview

The Markup Preview activity allows you to review Markups for a particular entity, user, or loan profile without running a full product search.

  1. From the Entity Selection screen on the Config site, choose the Markup Preview option in the Activity Selection menu.

The Markup Preview screen displays.

  1. From the Entity drop-down, choose the appropriate business channel.
  2. Select the appropriate user from the User drop-down.  

  3. If you want to include the user’s compensation into the pricing, choose Yes from the Include LO Compensation drop-down.  

TIP: If you want to include LO Compensation in the pricing, you must make sure that the Include in Pricing checkbox is checked on the LO compensation schedule itself. For more information on creating LO compensation schedules, see the LO Compensation Schedules User Guide.

  1. Select the appropriate product from the Product drop-down list.
  2. Select one of the following:

  • Choose the Use generic Conforming or FHA profile with loan amount radio button, and enter the desired loan amount in the text box.

  • Choose the Use save profile radio button, and choose a profile saved from the Product Search screen.

  1. Click the Refresh button.

The Markup Preview displays for the user and profile that you selected.

The Markups and Delivery Pads section shows the price of each markup and delivery pads, if any.

If you have markups to apply to the same level, they are grouped together in the same line item in the Final Markup Values section.

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