New Support Ticket – Creating child for Content Team

This document is a quick overview of how to create a Support Ticket child.

For the Full Support Ticket Procedures, see:

Internal – Freshdesk Tickets – Client Services Procedures

A child ticket, which will be sent to the Content Team, will automatically include the original Description from the parent ticket PLUS the last note in the parent ticket.

  1. Add a note with all details you want the Content team to know about. 
  2. Confirm Type = OB Support Ticket
  3. Select the Investor, input the Support Ticket # Click Update
  4. Click Parent Child and select “Add Child Using Templates


  • Look for your pod’s child template (after the first time, it will be listed in your Recently Used)
  • Select the Child Ticket and click Create
  • This will create a child ticket in the Content Specialists group.

You can view the child ticket by clicking on the link in the Parent Child section.

The Content Specialist will communicate by adding a note in the child ticket, which will flow to the parent ticket.  

To respond, the Client Advisor will add a note to the parent ticket which will flow to the child ticket. 

Follow remaining Support Ticket Procedures.


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