Not all rates displaying – Internal

Optimal Blue will not always display every rate option that is available on the investor rate sheet.  Some rates may not display depending on various rules or settings configured in OB.

Possible causes for some rate options to not show:

1) Rate / Price selection options (non-eighth rates)

2) Rate / Price selection options (min / max rate or price)

3) Rate / Price selection options (Choose the # of Rates you want to display Above and Below an indicated Price)

4) Rate / Price selection options (Additional Parameters: Only show one zero cost rate option (i.e. eliminate any higher rates after rebate exceeds fees)

5) Rate / Price selection options (Additional Parameters: Once system reaches the max price, do not display any further rate options)

6) QM setting: Remove higher rates with worse pricing than lower rates

7) Mortgagebot customer hitting maximum rate.  See Mortgagebot TTK (#17 & #34)

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