QM Fields in LO Search Results

Optimal Blue allows you to select the QM fields that display to the LO on the Search Results (Origination Style) page. Displaying these QM fields allows the LO to identify and select products and pricing that pass QM calculations. QM fields also enable the LO to analyze QM Policy limits, points, and fees. Use this article to configure QM fields for LO users.

QM Fields in LO Search Results


Optimal Blue allows the user to select the QM fields that display to the LO on the Search Results (Origination Style) page. Displaying these QM fields allows the LO to identify and select products and pricing that pass QM calculations. QM fields also enable the LO to analyze QM Policy limits, points, and fees.

The most important fields to display to the LO are

  • QM indicator field—Each product/rate/price displays either a checkmark icon or an X icon, indicating whether the listed product/rate/price passes the QM guidelines. Optionally, the HPML icon can be displayed.

  • QM Trace link—Each product/rate/price displays a QM Trace icon that links to the QM Analysis page that analyzes that price against QM Policy limits.

Additional QM fields are available on the Details section of the Search Results (Origination Style) page, including

  • APOR—The current APOR. This field is read-only for the LO.

  • Bona Fide Discount in Points—The maximum amount of discount points allowed.

  • QM Fee Cap—The maximum amount of fees allowed.

  • Remaining Fees Below Cap—The difference between the amount of fees charged and the QM cap.

You can independently customize the fields on the Summary and Details sections of the Search Results (Origination Style) page.

Below is an example of the pricing summary section displaying the QM fields.

Below is an example of the selected pricing Summary line item, with the pricing Details section displayed below it.

NOTE: Remember that the column order is easily configurable.

Configure QM Fields in LO Search Results

Use the following information to configure which QM-related fields that you want to display on the Search Results (Origination Style) screens for your loan officers.

  1. From the website selection screen, click Optimal Lender.

  2. Click the Admin tab.

  3. Click Search Results (Origination Style).

  4. From the Entity drop down menu on the Search Results (Origination Style) screen, select the appropriate Entity. You can apply your changes to all entities, as described later in this procedure.

  5. Scroll down to the Origination Style – Summary Fields section. In the Available Fields list, click a Field Name to select it.

To select more than one field, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking. To select more than one field in list order, use Shift+click. To deselect a field, use Shift+click on the selected item.

  1. Click the >> button to move the highlighted fields to the Selected Fields list. Newly added fields display at the bottom of the Selected Fields list. To reorder the fields, select a field, and click the Up or Down button. To apply the added fields to all entities, check the Apply to all entities box. Click Update Fields to publish all fields in the Selected Fields list to the Summary search results page.

  2. To change the column header display in the Search Results page, perform the following steps. 
  • From the Selected Fields drop down menu, click the appropriate Field Name.

Once selected, the Field Name automatically displays in the Display Name field.

NOTE: If an added field does not display in the Selected Fields list, click Update Fields. This populates the new fields into the Selected Fields list.

  • In the Display Name field, delete the current name. Enter the appropriate Name to rename the column header and click Update Display Name. To apply the column header name to all entities, check the Apply to all entities box.

NOTE: Changing the Display Name in the bottom section also changes the field name in the Selected Fields list in the top section. The original field name no longer remains. Additionally, if you click the << button to remove the field, the new name moves back to the Available Fields list. 

  1. In the Origination Style – Details Fields section, repeat the same procedures described in steps 5 through 7 to add and/or rename fields that you want to display in the Details sections of the Search Results (Origination Style) page.

Qualified Mortgage – Configuration & Secondary Admin User Guide

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