Rate Sheet Generation Step #2: Configuring Pricing Sources

This article describes the steps to configure pricing sources for rate sheet products in order to generate a paper style rate sheet using Optimal Blue. For the next step in this process, see the Rate Sheet Generation Step #3: Building a Template article.

See the Rate Sheet Generation User Guide for the complete process.

Configuring Pricing Sources for a Rate Sheet

Edit the Pricing Source for each individual product you add (necessary only when SRP adjustments are not included in base price, if you want to alter the min/max rates on the rate sheet from the investor’s offering or if you want to change the lock periods displayed.)

  1. Select the Rate Sheet entity from Entity Selection menu.
  2. Select Manage Product Set from either the top or side navigation menus.
  3. Select the product from your product tree.
  4. Select the Pricing Source activity from either the top or side navigation menus.

  1. Click Edit. The Pricing Source Configuration screen is displayed.


  1. Update the “Are there any rate/price caps for this source?” fields as needed – complete the Minimum/Maximum rate fields if you wish to limit the rate range used. Complete the Maximum Price field if you wish to cap out the price being used.
  1. Update the “Are there any markups for this source?” as needed. If applicable, enter SRP here – use the average state/loan amount adjustment from that investor’s SRP matrix.
  • Click Edit to enter markups.
  • Click Update when finished entering the information for each markup.
  1. Click the Save Pricing Source button. The “Pricing Source has been successfully updated!” message will be displayed at the top of the screen.
The pricing grid at the bottom of the Pricing Source Configuration screen will now reflect the investor’s base price and your adjusted pricing.
  1. Click the Manage Products tab to select another product to edit if desired. Complete this exercise for each product that will be displayed on your rate sheet.

For the next step in this process, see the Rate Sheet Generation Step #3: Building a Template article.

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