Rate Sheet Generation Step #4: Daily Generation

This article describes the steps to generate an Excel style rate sheet using Optimal Blue. To complete this procedure, you must have already completed building your rate sheet entity/product tree, configured your pricing sources and have created your rate sheet template. This is the final step in building and generating your rate sheet. 

See the Rate Sheet Generation User Guide for the complete process.

Daily Rate Sheet Generation

  1. Select the Rate Sheet entity from the Entity Selection menu.
  2. Select the Ratesheet Generation activity either at the top or side navigation menus.
  1. The Ratesheet Generation Controls screen is displayed. Adjust the settings as desired. Selections you make, or have previously made, on this screen will be saved. You do not have to reset them each time you generate a rate sheet if you are using the same settings.

Rate Sheet Generation Controls:

  • Pricing Generation: Used to refresh or activate pricing blends, if applicable. You must click the Pricing Generation button before running the rate sheet each day. (See the Blending Pricing Sources article in the Knowledge Base for information on using pricing blends for your rate sheet.)
  • Build Ratesheet with which Pricing?: Select the pricing you wish to use for the rate sheet.
  • Post rate sheet output selected above to which entity’s lender site?: Select the entity for which Optimal Lender site you wish to post the rate sheet to.
  • Rate Ordering: Ascending or Descending
  • Pricing Type: Hundred Base or Zero Base
  • Rounding: Select rounding method
  • Matching Lender (faster): This option will create a rate sheet that mirrors the Lender site. It will include any markups and configurations that have been released to production. This option will only generate pricing for products that have been rolled out and are not set to best-ex. This option will more quickly generate the rate sheet.
  • Matching Config (slower): This option includes any markups and configuration that have been updated in the Configuration site but have not been released to production. This option will continue to generate pricing for products that have not been rolled out and those that are set to best-ex. This option takes longer to generate the rate sheet than the Matching Lender option described above.

Note: Dynamic Markup and Markup Schedules can be enabled for your rate sheet entity. However, the rate sheet entity cannot have both a Dynamic Markup and a Markup Schedule applied at the same time. Contact your Client Services Representative for more information.

  1. In the “Update Template” section, click “Choose File,” find your rate sheet template, then click “Upload.” (In some instances the “Choose File” button may be labeled “Browse.”)
  1. The Ratesheet Generation Status screen will display while the file is processing.
  1. Once the file has uploaded, click on the most current rate sheet file in the “Download Past Ratesheets” section to open the rate sheet file.

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