Secondary queue is blank – Internal

***In Progress, the following has not been verified***


When a 2ndary user or OB user attempts to open the 2ndary queue page, it is completely blank.  *See note below about pending locks that may be time sensitive

Likely cause:

Forms from an un-integrated channel were copied to the integrated corporate channel.


Has anyone made any form changes recently? (Check forms editor in ToolKit)

If evidence is found that un-integrated forms were copied to an integrated corporate channel, then take the following action

*Note: If customer has pending locks and it is urgent that they are accepted, OB users can access the queue by going into one of their business channels as OBUser.  You can then navigate to Lender, select the loan from the 2ndary queue and accept the lock for them.


If there is another integrated corporate entity in the customer’s site: 

  1. Copy forms from that entity to Staging and test to confirm no errors in the search form. 
  2. Copy forms from Staging to the corporate entity that has the blank 2ndary queue.
  3. Test to see if you can now see the 2ndary queue.

If there is not another integrated corporate entity:

  1. Open a TR to have the corporate entity un-integrated then re-integrated
  2. Test to see if you can now see the 2ndary queue.

If there are still issues accessing the 2ndry queue: 

  1. Add a new temporary corporate entity
  2. Integrate the corporate entity
  3. Copy all forms from the temporary corporate entity to the corporate entity with blank 2ndary queue
  4. Test to see if you can now see the 2ndary queue

If there are still issue, open a TR to have it further researched

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