Looking of customers in Loansifter
- Navigate to Loansifter.com
- Note: OB and Loansifter share the same MSFT AD Tenant so you must use a separate browser or logout of OB before logging in to LS
- Digital Marketplace is separate
- Enter Loansifter credentials
- OB Users will see OB Internal Tools
- Client Management provides a look up of active customer
- To see inactive customers, use the drop down to the right of the client look up
- Look up users by Name, Username, NMLS ID or Company Name
- Select Search History to view transaction history of EVERY API/Integration transaction that resulted in a Loansifter Search
- Note if a customer has a state or loan program disabled for a search, the transaction can only be found in Diagnostics for that Integration and not in this search history. This feature limits actual intended searches to process through OB engine.
- Client Management provides a look up of active customer