When you log into Optimal Blue, your pipeline displays with all of the loans and scenarios that you have entered. You can display loans that meet specific criteria rather than displaying all of the loans in your pipeline. You can also sort the files in ascending or descending order by any of the columns in the headers. Use this article to work the loans in your pipeline.
For additional information download the Loan Originator User Guide. Clients who are integrated with an LOS should refer to the guide provided in the LOS Integrations category for their respective system.
Filter and Sort the Pipeline
You can display loans that meet specific criteria rather than displaying all of the loans in your pipeline. You can also sort the files in ascending or descending order by any of the columns in the headers.
Check Loan Status checkboxes next to the status types that you want to view.
Use the Date Range options to select the date range displayed in the pipeline based on the last date the loan was modified(or entered). You can select a time period from the Date Range drop down, such as “Last 60 days”, or you can select “Use Calendar” and a range of dates from the From and To fields.
Use the Search Text field to quickly find any scenario in the pipeline (even if it is not visible on the screen).
Enter a value that appears in any field. For example, entering “fixed” will return all loans with the word “fixed” in the product name. Entering “smi” will return all borrowers with the letters “smi” in their last name (like Smith).
The system searches all of the fields in the pipeline for a match to the text entered.
Click Filter Pipeline.
The Loans per Page option at the bottom of the screen allows you to select the number of loans to display per page in the pipeline. You can navigate to other pages in the pipeline by clicking the appropriate navigation links.
TIP: If you entered text in the Search Text field and want to unfilter your pipeline, delete the text, and click Filter Pipeline again.
You can sort the pipeline by clicking the appropriate header above the pipeline. Click the header again to change the order from ascending to descending.