Optimal Blue supports pricing premiums based on the location of a property. The Optimal Blue system takes in a mapped address from an LOS or manually added addresses on the Search page (based on your system configuration), verifies the address, and then obtains the Census Tract, CBSA, State and County Codes so that premiums can be added to the pricing available in the search results in applicable scenarios.
When Optimal Blue receives the configuration data from an investor necessary to enable Location Based Premiums for their products, we will update all sellers associated with that investor of the availability of these premiums so that you can ensure your site has been configured appropriately to take advantage of this new offering. This update will be sent to the individuals at your institution that receive OB Investor Alerts.
Please contact your Client Services Team to add the applicable fields to your Lender site Profile and Product Search forms. Once these fields have been added, Client Services will notify you to activate the EnableCRA entity preference. It is necessary to add the fields first as once the entity preference is enabled the system will begin evaluating address information that is passed in from the LOS, even if the address fields are not present on the search forms.
Please see the Location Based Premiums User Guide for additional information on enabling this functionality in your Lender site including details on the search logic, system messaging and application of the premiums.