This article describes the steps to activate pricing outputs and build a product tree in order to generate an Excel rate sheet using Optimal Blue. For the next step in this process, see the Rate Sheet Generation Step #2: Configuring Pricing Sources article.
See the Rate Sheet Generation User Guide for the complete process.
Activating Pricing Outputs
Before building the rate sheet you must first turn on the pricing outputs for the investor(s) you wish to add to your rate sheet. This allows the rate sheet entity to see pricing for the investor.
- Select the investor from the Entity Selection screen and click on the Pricing Outputs activity.
- Select Standard from the drop down menu in the Rate Sheet row.
- Click the Update Availability Settings button. If you will be blending pricing from multiple investors on your rate sheet, repeat this process for each investor you will be including on your rate sheet.
Building a Product Tree
This section describes how to create a Product Tree with the products to be included on the Rate Sheet. The process begins on the Entity Selection screen in your Configuration site.
Adding Product Sets
- Select the Rate Sheet entity from the hierarchy on the Entity Selection menu.
- Select the Manage Products activity either from the top or right side navigation menus.
- Select the plus sign; “Add New Product/Set” displayed at the top of the Product Set Selection tree.
- In the Product Preferences and Filters screen > Product Set Preferences tab, complete the Product Set Name field using the categories your products will fall under (ex. Conforming, Jumbo). Note: The first set should always be All Products.
- For the Type, select the radio button for the Product Set. This will hide preferences that are not applicable for a product set.
- Select the Product Set Parent from the drop-down list each time you add a set. Note: For the first set, All Products, should be set to [No Parent].
- Select the Save button at the bottom right side of the form.
Adding Products to the Product Tree
- Select the Rate Sheet entity from the hierarchy on the Entity Selection Menu.
- Select Manage Products from either the top or right side navigation menus.
- Select the plus sign next to Add New Product/Set displayed to the right of the Product Set Selection tree.
- At the Product Set Preferences screen, select the radio button for “Add Reference Product (Streamlined)”.
- In the Product Name field, add the name of the product being added.
- In the Product Code field insert the code for the product being added. (Remember: this must match exactly with the code on your Excel rate sheet template.)
- Select the Parent Product Set this product will appear under in your product tree.
- Select the investor from the Rule and Pricing Source Entity drop-down menu, which will be referenced for base pricing.
- In the Rule & Pricing Source Product drop-down menu select the product specific to the investor chosen in step 8.
- Click the Add Product button to complete the process. A confirmation message will be displayed at the top of the page.
For the next step in this process, see the Rate Sheet Generation Step #2: Configuring Pricing Sources article.