Optimal Blue’s Investor Pricing Insight to Now Be a No-Cost Solution, Adds Competitive Benchmarking Feature for Non-QM Investors
Investor clients now get the benefits of Investor Pricing Insight at no cost, plus new functionality to inform competitive non-QM pricing strategies
PLANO, Texas – Oct. 28, 2024 – Optimal Blue today announced that its Investor Pricing Insight data tool is now available to its investor clients as a no-cost solution. The company has also introduced a new feature that allows investors to benchmark their non-qualified mortgage (non-QM) rate sheet pricing against other investors in real time.
“When we stated our goal of increasing our client’s ROI, it wasn’t just through providing new innovation and value at no additional cost, but also by looking at what current solutions we should stop charging for,” said Joe Tyrrell, CEO of Optimal Blue. “The Investor Pricing Insight product helps mortgage investors make truly informed decisions to stay ahead of the competition, and that’s a value we want all of our clients to have, so we are now making it a complimentary part of their Optimal Blue relationship.”
The addition of non-QM rate sheet pricing in Investor Pricing Insight allows correspondent and wholesale investors to understand the competitiveness of their pricing strategy for the product type so they can quickly adapt their pricing to market conditions. The feature includes a live search tool and can generate configurable price comparison reports on a schedule or on demand. Notably, Optimal Blue’s diverse network of investors makes it the most comprehensive source of non-QM pricing data, making it a critical asset for investors navigating the non-QM landscape.
“This enhancement to Investor Pricing Insight exemplifies our focus on delivering capabilities that address the evolving challenges faced by investors,” said Erin Wester, vice president of product management at Optimal Blue. “With the growing popularity of non-QM loans, there was a clear need for the transparency of pricing data. We’re proud to offer a solution that not only meets that need, but also helps investors make more informed decisions, refine their pricing models, and ultimately improve profitability.”
About Optimal Blue
Optimal Blue effectively bridges the primary and secondary mortgage markets to deliver the industry’s only end-to-end capital markets platform. The company helps lenders of all sizes and scopes maximize profitability and operate efficiently so they can help American borrowers achieve the dream of homeownership. Through innovative technology, a network of interconnectivity, rich data insights, and expertise gathered over more than 20 years, Optimal Blue is an experienced partner that, in any market environment, allows lenders to optimize their advantage from pricing accuracy to margin protection, and every step in between. To learn more, visit OptimalBlue.com.
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Media Contact
Olivia DeLancey, Optimal Blue